Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Blender vs Java

<p>I am currently having a serious battle in mind. Should my free time after school be used to learn Blender or Java? I am currently doing both since Java is dominating while blender is useful and fun.</p>
<p>If you don't know what I'm talking about then you perhaps may look up my other posts. But these two computer programs are used in different ways but cover about the same topics.</p>
<p>On one side we have Blender, including all the other 3D tools; Maya, 3DS Max, Zbrush, Photoshop, Mudbox, SonyVegas, Unity 3D, Render.</p>
<p>On the opposite side we have the Java coding language, including the ability to make 2D, 3D money generating games for PC, Mac, Android, Linux, Windows Phone. It's also a lightweight program as well as logical and object oriented wish will be paving the way into C# as well as OS programming, interface programming, service programming and even software programming.</p>
<p>These two activities is what I'm in to at the time. And I hope to get trough the java path even if it's the toughest one. Blender is a hobby while java is an activity for now.</p>

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