Saturday, 8 September 2012

My love for Warhammer 40000

I'm sorry that i haven't updated the blog in some time, but now it's Friday and i have time to tell ya more about my experiences and coming info on what I'm going to write about :)

Okey, lets get started...

What's on the top of my Love list?

If you're not familiar with Warhammer 40k then i recommend you to keep on reading because i will go trough a very (and i mean very cause of the huge amount of info) basic guide on what Warhammer 40k is, why i love it so mush and what makes it worthy of being noted by people. 

And please bare in mind that this is not 100% accurate, it's based on other peoples talk and facts from sites and sources that i will be linking to as mush as i can.


Warhammer 40000 was created and designed by a (at that time) small company called Games Workshop.

The guys that created it was: Rick Priestley, Andy Chambers, Jervis Johnson and Gavin Thorpe. The year they made it was as early as 1987 (counting form 2012 it's 25 years ago).  

Warhammer 40k was made as a future themed version of the Warhammer Fantasy Miniature War-game and both of these was made at the same time by Games Workshop so there is no copying issues over here :)

 Warhammer 40000 can also be called:
Warhammer 40k, W40k or just 40k in some cases.

What is Warhammer 40k then?

Imagine this being a set of 5 Units, it's just straight out of the box. (above)
Warhammer 40000 is a Miniature War Game(or Mini-war-game as some call it) and so it's a Turn-Based Strategy game, that means that each player must wait for its turn while the other one is controlling and commanding his own army.

This is how it perhaps will look like when it's done =)
And since it's not a virtual game for computers or consoles it's a physical miniature-board-game styled game, wish means that everything is represented as a miniature on the map. And there is tons of different models, just check out the Games workshop site here and see for yourself how meany options on Armies, Units, Unit types, Armaments, Structures, Painting Colors, Glues, Maps, Templates, Pointers, Rulers etc.

And YES, you actually build each model from basic parts into a perhaps realistic figure ready to be tossed in to any combat you wishes!

For some it's nearly impossible to make the units at least good looking but in truth everyone can paint a good looking army. There is tons of books that learns you how to paint models with different methods. Joust to mention some, if you want a war thorn vehicle look on some metal then it's just to dry-brush, if you want to have a slick plastic kind of look then you'd rather use more water or a shade type of color.

Basic GW guides can be found here while other guides can be found in Google, Youtube, Games Workshop stores etc. The Warhammer 40k community is HUGE so you could just ask any question in almost any forum about Warhammer 40k and their'd certainly be a response.

From unknown sources i got the information that there is over 600,000 active Warhamemr 40k Buyers, i don't know what it's required to be a "W40k Buyer" but it sounds pretty mush. Games Workshop gains a huge amount of money from that but in the same time the model production is both risky, expensive and time consuming. A close friend told me that it takes about 2 weeks for a plastic set to be done counting from the time the raw plastic is being used. The plastic is also of a super fine quality, made for being modeled, shaped and then painted on.

Here is all the aliens, humans empires that you can build your army based on. Eash army has their own Codex aside from the gigantic Warhammer 40k Rulebook.

Current Armies in Warhammer 40k

There is really so mush to say! I'll take the rest some other day. I hope you enjoyed reading. Thank you for taking your time =)

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